Monday, October 14, 2013

"You're really pretty, you know?"

Flourish drawing, Kiko Mizuhara, flowers and office space by Oh So Simple
I am completely in love with Kiko Mizuhara's face...she's beautiful! It's awful to know that she's my age because I can't excuse myself for not looking that pretty, yet. ha! Makes me crave a short haircut but I know that by chopping off hair I won't magically turn into her. Or will I?

I had a 'pretty' weekend. I honestly can't remember the last time I heard so many compliments in such a short amount of time. On Saturday, I had a coworker say, "Thank you, beautiful." Just darling! I almost never hear that one simply because I find it so important a word. I usually don't like hearing it because it is on par with "you're perfect," which just sounds ridiculous most of the time. In this instance, it was actually kind of nice and genuine and not weighted as heavily as I imagine it to be. Then, in that same shift at work I heard, "you're really pretty, you know?" in passing. I turned around to the guy that said it only to give him this ugly twisted expression I'm akin to. It was a weird experience to hear that so directly and so I took that compliment as gracefully as I know how...that is to say not gracefully at all. My face did not reflect how nice it was to hear, at all. Sweet.

On the following day, I was putting on makeup at my friend's place. We were discussing my "mismatch" eye makeup. (He was referring to my black mascara and occasional black winged eyeliner in contrast with my natural blonde hair) This morning in particular I was only applying mascara but I still felt the need to defend my love of eyeliner, and I told him it made me feel pretty. His reply was "you're already pretty." Well, shucks! That didn't stop me from throwing on whatever I could manage in a rush to head out the door. I THEN got to work, knowing full well that my hair hadn't been washed for a day and my makeup was done swiftly and in poor light yet my roommate who was just ending her shift at work went out of her way to come tell me my makeup looked really pretty. I almost felt like she was making fun of me because I was so hyper-aware of the morning-after face paint I was sporting that day. She claims her remark was genuine so I took it for what it was and went on my ding dong diddly day.

It's strange to have two days back to back, one where you are trying to look nice, and one where you are trying to just not look as bad, and receive equally wonderful remarks.

Maybe it was really just my personality shining out mah faceeee.

But speaking of pretty! I took my first set of headshots for my friend, Francesca. It was cool to officially whip out the 50mm lens. Here are a couple of my favorites! <3

k bai

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