Friday, August 30, 2013

Que Sera, Sera

"You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel." -Johnny Depp

           Lately my days have been filled with distraction and advice. Of course I'm much too far-gone to really apply said advice but it's still refreshing to know what it is I need to do should I suddenly sprout the courage to make it happen. I came upon this video after a friend shared it on facebook. Although not completely similar to my situation, it's still somewhat relevant...and inspiring. I've been having many-a-night where it seems I won't ever get to sleep because everything hurts (darn you, emotions) and there's no hope left for me to be happy with someone else. I am choosing to leave this here to remind me that there is something better waiting for me. There has to be.

On a lighter note, my hair is looking looong these days. ;)
Some day I'll have a kick-ass webcam........some day.
I am going into my third week of school and it's feeling pretty all right so far. Applying for jobssss, having dance rehearsallllls...the usual shtuff. I planned on writing some really worthwhile post today but I am feeling a little icky and should probably put some food in my stomach and then get to bed. And by get to bed I mean watch some cartoons. Lately it's been Kimi ni Todoke...because it makes me smile. :)
Kimi ni Todoke, 2009

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