Monday, August 12, 2013

Almost there

I took this photo from my car the other day because it was just so lovely. Not that sunsets are summer-specific (they do happen every day, I am aware) but this one was sentimental as I know my summer break is coming to an end. One more week and I'll be back at school! I'd be lying to say I wasn't actually excited to get back. Since I wasn't working for most of this summer break I didn't have nearly enough to fill my days. I finished a book, a couple mangas and plenty of anime series (don't make me list them, the number would embarrass me). It was nice to have the time to myself, though. Got to work on my tan! It'll be refreshing to be busy again. Plus I am super excited to start dance rehearsals for both the school's modern dance company and the student work I've been recruited for. Going to be an awesome semester! :)

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