Monday, August 5, 2013

J Pop Summit Festival 2013

I went to the J Pop Summit Festival this year! I roped Colin into going with me because I knew Ayumi Seto would be there and I was dying to see her in person. It was only fitting Colin joined me because he basically led me to her via tumblr. I loved myself a little bit less when this showed up on my dashboard one day:
Anyway, I became obsessed and almost cried a little at the thought of missing my chance for a photo-op. Was a great trip! Could have asked for the weather to be a leeeettle bit nicer but hey, it's San Francisco.
Set-up in the Peace Plaza of Japantown, San Francisco.

Ayumi Seto of Harajuku Kawaii!

All models for the fashion show pose with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

I was the only one ready for this shot with the Harajuku Kawaii! models. Oh well!

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